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Week 29 of the Garden Digest – Never Stop Planning!

Our Plans for Next Year! Our Visions As dedicated planners, our penchant for organization extends beyond daily life—it’s an integral part of our gardening philosophy. We’ve emphasized the importance of planning but haven’t yet shared our specific plans for the upcoming season in our kitchen garden and overall yard. During this quieter period, we dedicate

Week 29 of the Garden Digest – Never Stop Planning! Read More »

Week 28 of the Garden Digest – Ultimate Gardener Christmas List!

Christmas Is Coming! Everyone’s favourite time of year… Welcome to a unique edition of our newsletter! This week, we’re diving into the exciting realm of gift-giving for the gardeners in your life. We firmly believe in the power of essential tools that every gardener should have in their toolkit — those gems we wish we’d

Week 28 of the Garden Digest – Ultimate Gardener Christmas List! Read More »

Week 25 of the Garden Digest – How to Over-winter Herbs!

Over-Wintering Herbs! Yes, some herbs can survive! Visitors often admire our thriving herb garden during winter gatherings or remark on how ahead our herbs are in spring compared to others. The secret lies in certain herbs’ resilience to harsh winters. While some herbs persist throughout winter, others go dormant, reemerging in spring as perennials. In

Week 25 of the Garden Digest – How to Over-winter Herbs! Read More »

Week 22 of the Garden Digest – Hydroponics & Gardening!

Vertical Growing with Hydroponics Doesn’t Everything Grow Vertically? Building upon our discussion from last week, we’ve encountered a common challenge in our yard: limited space for expansion. In addressing this issue, creativity becomes an essential tool. Typically, when people think about gardening, they envision plants growing vertically, and this holds true for many crops. However,

Week 22 of the Garden Digest – Hydroponics & Gardening! Read More »